Boards can be a powerful force in a non-profit organization, however, they require the most qualified people to make them efficient. Board members should possess a passion for your cause and the time and energy they can devote to their responsibilities and abilities that advance your organization’s mission. The best way to attract these individuals is to have a diverse board with members with a variety of backgrounds. This gives you different perspectives, which is crucial to make good decisions.
Many organizations have their own nomination procedures. They could be defined in your bylaws, or require the creation of a nominating committee. A nominating panel could be comprised of current board members or a neutral third party hired to conduct evaluations. The nominating committee should meet to review the bylaws and the list of members as well as the description of each office’s responsibilities and the requirements for eligibility of candidates.
The nominating board will then select candidates to be presented for vote by the entire board. Based on your membership, this could be done by ballot or via a voice vote. The nominating panel may use an election platform that is managed, like DirectVoteLive or myDirectVote to streamline the voting process and ensure transparency.
The member group will use a voting method like plurality or preferential nominations, depending on the bylaws. The preferential nominations offer voters the chance to voice their preferences in more detail than a simple majority vote. This gives a more accurate idea of how your company’s members feel about each of the candidates.